Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Winding down Day 3… had a good lunch and an even better dinner… sticking to the supplements too… but you know me… still struggling with that water intake. My brain justifies it by telling myself that “there’s plenty of water in COFFEE” :)  LOL

At 9:15pm, I was finally able to get WRAPPED!!! I started my wrapping session with a quick 10 minute “dry brushing” of my stomach from breasts to pelvis and hip to hip. Some of you may not be familiar with what “dry brushing” is… so here’s a little bit of info.

DRY BRUSHING is a stimulation of the skin that sets in motion natural healing pathways within your body. 

Your skin is the primary sign of an internally toxic body. As soon as your internal body becomes toxic, it will spread out into your skin causing your skin to become irritated and itchy. There are numerous ports of elimination of the skin including your mouth, face, and arm pits, the inside of your upper thigh region, feet, and toe nails. Did you know that body odor is also an additional indicator of toxic build-up and is eradicated through the same channels. Let’s not forget your tongue, which builds up a plaque and is yet another gauge of toxins in the body.

Dry Brushing, although highly unknown in the States, is very popular in European spas and many cancer treatment centers today. The Russians, Turks and Scandinavians have used this treatment for centuries. Dry brushing stimulates skin renewal and makes it soft to the touch. It also allows us to brush off dead skin cells that are filled with toxins off our bodies and lighten its toxic load. However, the benefits don’t stop there.

Here are some of the other, VERY important benefits of dry brushing:

• Dry skin brushing helps to shed dead skin cells, which can help improve skin texture and cell renewal.
• Dry skin brushing increases circulation to skin, encouraging your body’s discharge of metabolic wastes, which greatly aids the lymphatic drainage of the entire body. When the body rids itself of toxins, it is able to run more efficiently in all areas.
• Dry skin brushing also helps to tighten the skin because it increases the flow of blood. Increasing the circulation to the skin can also help lessen the appearance of cellulite.
• Dry skin brushing stimulates the lymph canals to drain toxic mucoid matter into the colon, thereby purifying the entire system. This enables the lymph to perform its house-cleaning duties by keeping the blood and other vital tissues detoxified. After several days of dry brushing, you may notice the gelatinous mucoid material in your stools.
• Dry skin brushing helps with muscle tone and more even distribution of fat deposits.
• Dry skin brushing also rejuvenates the nervous system by stimulating nerve endings in the skin.
• Dry skin brushing helps your skin to absorb nutrients by eliminating clogged pores. Healthy, breathing skin contributes to overall body health.
• Individuals who sit at a computer screen all day long will particularly take pleasure in the benefits of skin brushing. People who have inactive lifestyles or jobs usually experience stiff and sore necks and shoulders that reach even into their arms and down their spines and into their lower backs. Increased blood flow begins entering the areas brushed and you will experience an increase in electromagnetic energy that permits you to feel energized and invigorated.
• AND FYI… Cellulite is toxic!!! Cellulite is toxic materials that are accumulated in your body’s fat cells as they are unable to be eliminated. So, rather than liposuction surgery, why not utilize the “dry skin brushing” technique coupled with our Ultimate Body Applicator wraps (that help you LOSE FAT), an alkaline diet program (our GREENS are great for this!), and a great exercising routine. It will break down the unwelcome toxic body deposits and send them scurrying out of your body through various elimination channels.

Now you can say that you learned something today!!!:)

So, as I was saying, I spent 10 minutes dry brushing my abdomen from top to bottom and side to side… then I took a quick shower to remove any of the impurities from my skin that were released from the dry brushing (making sure not to use any type of soap that contains lanolin, as this will block your pores and keep the salve from absorbing into our system). 

Once I was dried off and ready to wrap, I took my measurements… and they were as follows:

2″ Above the Belly Button – 48 inches
Across the Belly Button – 50 inches
2″ Below the Belly Button – 52 inches

Since there isn’t a picture posted yet, picture my stomach looking like something that LITERALLY starts just under my breasts and goes out from there (sorta like one of those Pilates exercise balls) until it reaches my pelvis!!! Yep, that’s what I’m living life with at this very moment… and GETTING RID OF IT is the motivation driving me in this Challenge!!

Once my measurements were done, I opened the wrap and smoothed it out over my targeted area (which today was the abdomen). And then I chose to secure it with good ol’ cost-effective Saran Wrap! :) Some people prefer to use ace bandages or other exercise wrap bands… but I have wrapped many, many people and found that Saran Wrap really secures it best. Then I like to put a tight top (like a spandex tank top or sport shirt) on over everything for added comfort and better ease in mobility. THAT’S IT!!! All wrapped!!!

I’ll be sleeping with my wrap on tonight… so stay tuned for updates and pictures in the morning :) I’m headed to the couch to watch a bit of the TV and finish off the Mocha Coffee Smoothie I made a little bit ago. And you’ll be happy to know… I HAVE MY WATER BESIDE ME TOO!!!

Angels on your pillow everyone!!!

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